The thing with the warehouse is to find the best possible solution for a maximum use of the space, in other words, to make the impossible, possible. There are certain, possible ways to do that but there is a lot of work involved because warehousing consists of numerous segments. As an explanation, warehouses can take […]
Studies have shown that 90% of the transportation process is made with international shipping. It includes medicine, objects, technology, food etc. Businesses highly benefit from transport industry because they can get goods delivered from anywhere in the world to their destination. This is the main reason why cargo tracking must be involved in the manufacturing […]
Export is any transportation where goods leave the country of origin. Whether the goods are exported temporarily or permanently in a foreign country, the sender of the goods will need an export licence. Usually, it is required in a few countries and under special circumstances, but the need of licensing mostly depends on the laws […]
Компанијата Дени Интернационал е основана во 1991 година како претпријатие специјализирано за организирање на меѓународен транспорт на стоки во друмски сообраќај.