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When Do You Need An Export Licence?



Export is any transportation where goods leave the country of origin. Whether the goods are exported temporarily or permanently in a foreign country, the sender of the goods will need an export licence. Usually, it is required in a few countries and under special circumstances, but the need of licensing mostly depends on the laws of the Government.

What Is An Export Licence?

The export procedure, includes an export licence which is a document that grants permission for exporting and is issued by the Government. It is bound to the European, as well as, International legislation for protection of cultural goods.

If the export is part of the export controls, a validated licence is required because some objects fall under certain Government regulations. It is required when specific goods need to be exported out of the country, and is mostly defined by the value, age of the goods or protective legislation of a Member State.

Export Licence

According to the Brochure of Import and Export of Cultural Objects, when goods are high in value, an export licence is issued in order to define the finances and value of the objects. There are also thresholds applying to specific category.

When Export licence Is Required?

The need of export licence depends on the nature of the goods, destination, dual use, end use of the goods and trade activities.

To give a further explanation, export licence is required for specific goods, we will mention a few: military goods, technology and software, and radioactive goods. Exporting includes several modes of transport and among them are: international transport, cargo across European borders, as well as, intermodal freight transportation.

When Is An Export Licence Not Required?

Licensing gives control of the status of the goods and there are Central Licensing Offices which may give you a written statement to show you that the licence is not required for your goods. Currently, most of the items exported within Europe do not require an export licence, except for the already mentioned, military, dual use items etc.

Export Licence Deni Internacional

Why Export Licences Are Important?

As previously mentioned, export license is required for high value and high price goods. Licensing is important for the safety of the goods that are being transported and it may appear as a report of the goods to the state. Customs officials may request an insurance, evidence or invoice.

Licensing is also needed according to value and age, as we previously mentioned. To give a further explanation, objects like 50 year old paintings or old instruments which are high in value and price, need an export license. According to some nation’s laws, you can apply for the licence under the name of the owner, in this case, an institution or an orchestra.

Final Thoughts

In order to comply with the need of an export licence, it is important to identify the activities and the type of goods for delivery. You do not need to become an expert in exporting but it is good to have the basic understanding of the subject. If you have any questions, or need an advice, you can always contact us.